Theo's Evolution Part 2

Posted on 30 June 2016

My vision has always been for ALL clothing by ALL labels worldwide to be ethically produced and so in designing for Jacob & Esau I tried to be all things to all people. I can see the grimace and gentle head shake coming from those with any sort of business experience because you know exactly what lesson I had to learn the hard way! That is, every business needs to have a target market, a specific 'genre of people' for whom the business caters to.

Since I was busy designing clothes that I hoped to suit all people of all ages, of all tastes and all backgrounds, I was really designing clothes for no one because no one could possible be all those things!

In navigating this new direction, Theo the Label will be a reflection of my personal style which my husband earnestly described as casual, refined tomboy. I'll take that! While transparency and the vision for sustainable and ethical fashion is unchanged, Theo will have a fresh feel targeted to those with similar taste to mine. With this, I know it will exclude loyal supporters who prefer a different look or who are of a different age or budget so to those who began the Jacob & Esau journey with me, I am forever grateful for your belief in me and more importantly in the vision of a changed fashion industry, thank you!

It's my desire to see more people demand transparency behind their clothing and with this, a new supply of brands and stores covering all different demographics dedicated to doing the right thing! Keep up your curiosity and we will see change happen in the world!


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