Theo's Evolution Part 1

Posted on 28 June 2016

Like many start ups, Theo launched with the humblest of beginnings and I owe it to many, MANY supporters for growing the label to where it is today! For those who don't know, Theo was originally founded as 'Jacob & Esau' in 2014 through a successful Pozible crowd-funding campaign. Rebranding 'Jacob & Esau' into 'Theo the Label' has been a headache and a half for an inexperienced soul such as myself, but already I feel it has been worth it! This is the first big reason that J&E evolved into Theo.



'So what's your label called?' colleagues, family and friends would innocently ask. I would sheepishly reply 'Jacob & Esau' knowing full well where the conversation was heading next - 'Jacob and Es- Es, sorry what?' If you are unfamiliar with the name Esau I bet $5 you squinted your eyes and tried 3 different pronunciations before giving up and waiting for me to explain it, to which I wouldn't hold it against you! Just for the record, I googled it here but that my friends, is the numero uno reason for the change of name - no one could pronounce it!

Building a brand that most cannot pronounce has been an uphill battle so what better time than NOW to change it?! The name Theo has been floating around my mind for some time with an encouraging origin story that we'll save for another day! The important thing is that Theo will be sticking around for awhile, both on shop shelves and hopefully in everyone's minds! See 'Theo's Evolution Part 2' for the second big reason for the change of name.

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