Un-boxing Day

Posted on 23 December 2016


I'm writing this post on the morning of the 23rd of December from my little pop-up shop and there is something that is really bothering me. My husband will assure you that when there is something bothering me, I'll let you know about it! So here it is: the thing that's bothering me is Boxing Day. Now, don't think I'm looking too far ahead and missing out on the joy of Christmas because I very much appreciate the true meaning of Christmas much more than I can express (a child is born to bring salvation to the world, hello?!) but this follow-up public holiday is not sitting well with me.

Australians know what Boxing Day means or what it's come to mean - SHOPPING! Not just any shopping though, shopping on steroids. Ridiculous sale prices, fighting for car-parks and walking/running through departments. Even if you don't shop on Boxing Day itself, you know that post-Christmas means sale season. But this is the thing, Boxing Day was never about shopping! Boxing Day origins vary according to Wikipedia but I like them much more than our modern day definition. For example, British tradespeople would receive 'Christmas boxes' on Boxing Day as a thank you gift for their services. Or in older English tradition, the wealthy would gift their servants with a box of goods to bring to their families on Boxing Day since they spent Christmas Day serving their masters. I like the European tradition best, which simply says people would gift boxes of goods to the needy and those in service positions. Boxing Day is all about giving!

This is the complete opposite of modern Boxing Day and here lies my challenge to you - don't go shopping on Boxing Day! It's a public holiday! If you're lucky enough to be employed, you're being paid to do nothing! Catch up with family and friends and I mean really catch up. You've probably seen them at Christmas lunch but no one gets past the small talk when there are 50 family members to greet. Catch up with your spouse. Go for a walk. Heaven forbid if you're really hankering for new stuff to play with, get out the Christmas gifts you received the day before! Right now, smack bang in the middle of the silly season, I can't think of anything better than a day off spent however I choose. You have that day too! So from me to you, I wish you the most wonderful of days-off spent in a way that lifts your spirits emotionally, mentally and physically and reminds you of life's true purpose.  I am hereby declaring that December 26th (in Theo's books anyway) is officially Un-boxing Day!

With love,

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  • Bianca: December 26, 2016

    Thank you for this post! I’m sitting here on Boxing Day morning enjoying a coffee after a much needed sleep in, watching my 3 boys reading new books and working out how their new things go together. We’ve wondered together about the origins of Boxing Day and I will make sure I share your post with them. Our lives are so full of rushing and busy-ness and buying we so often forget about being still. Reflecting on what we have learned. On what we have. On the true meaning of ANYTHING! Thank you for the reminder but also for the hope that their is someone else in the world who is not lining up somewhere searching for the next best thing when it’s already in their own home.

  • Lily Tan: December 23, 2016

    Thank you for the reminder. Impressed to read your post which unfolds some profound understanding of Boxing Day.
    It takes one person to make a change and I’ m glad you are that person. God bless you and give you strength to make the difference.?

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